Nerd Out Security Panel Discussion: EP 16. Terrorism, NTAS, Misinformation, COVID, and the end credits!

August 18, 2021

After a a busy couple of weeks, the merry band of Nerdies gathered to discuss the latest news on the terrorism and extremist front and how misinformation has shaped so much of these advanced. The group started with Bridget’s reporting of a new al-Qaeda message, which was followed with press reports extremist chatter and then the National Terrorism Alert System Bulletin. These all gave the group an opportunity to talk to the risks to various locations, especially venues and the Commercial Facilities Sector. Next, the group transitioned to misinformation and how integral it was to both terrorist groups as well as domestic violent extremism. COVID dominated the last part of the discussion with Bridget sharing her personal story and loss before the group went through a rapid fire set of questions! But just like our favorite band of superheroes, stay for the end credits and you might here about killer mosquitos.

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  • The Risk Roundtable, is a recurring monthly discussion among our team and occasional guests as we explore the all-hazards threats and risks impacting the United States and internationally.
  • The Cybersecurity Evangelist, with Jennifer Lyn Walker, is a cybersecurity-focused discussion with Jen and invited guests.
  • Nerd Out! Security Panel Discussion, moderated by Dave Pounder, focuses on physical security topics including terrorism, extremism, hostile events, and other pertinent topics.
  • The Gate 15 Interview, is a monthly interview between Gate 15’s founder and Managing Director, Andy Jabbour and guests from throughout the homeland security risk management community addressing a wide range of all-hazards topics and issues.

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