Nerd Out! Security Panel Discussion: EP 7. Protests, Terrorism, Holidays and love for Chris Krebs!

November 17, 2020

The Nerd Out! Security Panel Discussion podcast episodes are recurring discussions among our team and our valued guests as we explore the all-hazards threats and risks impacting the United States and internationally. As we seek to help apply a threat-informed, risk-based approach to analysis, preparedness and operations, we hope these podcasts are informative and maybe even a little entertaining.

On the November Nerd Out! Security Panel Discussion, Dave Pounder hosts Joe Levy, Bridget Johnson and Rob Yandow as they review the election and what didn’t happen – and how lessons can be learned from that as well as looking at the current state of protests. The team also looks at how protests impact faith-based organizations (FBOs) and how FBOs have been on the front lines of support, as well as in taking up action. Then the panel looks at the current terrorism threat and how that could impact the upcoming holiday season for stores as well as faith-based organizations. In the lightning round, the panel shares thoughts on DHS CISA Director Chris Krebs and his handling of the election and dis/misinformation, as well as tackling other topics.

Have a listen on Anchor, Apple, Spotify.

You can subscribe and enjoy all the Gate 15 Podcasts on Anchor, Apple, Spotify, as well as other locations accessible from the Anchor link. Week-to-week, you can hear and learn more about our all-hazards threats, risks, mitigation and other issues impacting homeland security risk management from our team as well as our regular and special guests. The full podcast menu includes:

  • The Risk Roundtable, is a recurring monthly discussion among our team and occasional guests as we explore the all-hazards threats and risks impacting the United States and internationally.
  • The Cybersecurity Evangelist, with Jennifer Lyn Walker, is a cybersecurity-focused discussion with Jen and invited guests.
  • Nerd Out! Security Panel Discussion, moderated by Dave Pounder, focuses on physical security topics including terrorism, extremism, hostile events, and other pertinent topics.
  • The Gate 15 Interview, is a monthly interview between Gate 15’s founder and Managing Director, Andy Jabbour and guests from throughout the homeland security risk management community addressing a wide range of all-hazards topics and issues.

We hope you’ll subscribe, listen and share your ideas and other feedback! Reach out to us on TwitterLinkedIn or via email at: [email protected].

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