The Gate 15 Pod, Episode 9: Protests, reopening, hurricane predictions (and we need a name!)

In this episode Andy, Jen and Dave welcome Jorhena Thomas to the pod to discuss protests, disinformation, reopening and what impacts they may have for organizations. The team also banters about naming the pod as well as share a little “inside baseball” hurricane poll (even though Andy doesn’t care much for baseball…).

Just as the United States began reopening following COVID-19 restrictions, the death of George Floyd rapidly changed the conversation and protests erupted around the country (and with international solidarity). Join Dave Pounder, Gate 15’s Director for Threat and Risk Analysis, Jennifer Lyn Walker, Director for Cyber Services, Jorhena Thomas, Senior Risk Consultant, and Andy Jabbour, Gate 15’s Managing Director, as they discuss this rapidly changing and dynamic environment.

The team also asks for your help in naming the podcast! Vote on Twitter or send us your ideas!

The Gate 15 Podcast is a recurring monthly discussion among our team and occasional guests as we explore the all-hazards threats and risks impacting the United States and internationally. As we seek to help apply a threat-informed, risk-based approach to analysis, preparedness and operations, we hope these podcasts are informative and maybe even a little entertaining.

Please enjoy this next episode of The Gate 15 Podcast on Anchor, Apple, Spotify, as well as other locations accessible from the Anchor link.

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