The Risk Roundtable: EP 21. Ransomware and Terrorism – they never seem to go away.

Please enjoy this month’s episode of The Gate 15 podcast on AnchorSpotifyAppleGoogle, as well as other locations accessible via the Anchor link or almost anywhere you listen to your favorite podcasts.

The Risk Roundtable crew gathers after a long weekend and talks about two enduring issues that we can’t seem to get away from – the latest ransomware and terrorism news – as well as ideas on government sharing of classified information with the private sector. We find out a little more about Dave and Jen, as they recognize some of their favorite movies and actors, and salute some favorite sodas, er, pop brands, or fizzy drinks? And the team acknowledges some great information sharing champions including Jim Rosenbluth, President, Analytic Risk Solutions, and Aharon Chernin, the CEO at Perch Security.

Gate 15 continues to conduct workshops and other educational and exercise events focused on hostile events (active shooter), ransomware, and more. Please contact our team if we can assist your organization plan and prepare for these and other threats.

Some of the references from our podcast and additional resources include:

  • KaseyaUpdates Regarding VSA Security Incident (ongoing updates).
  • Huntress LabsRapid Response: Mass MSP Ransomware Incident (ongoing updates).
  • Zack Whittaker, @zackwhittaker, Security Editor @TechCrunch commenting on the Kaseya response: ‘”This attack was never a threat nor had any impact to critical infrastructure.” Wow. Kaseya’s messaging about the attack was actually going well, until its PR team waded in.’
  • Additional ransomware links shared in last month’s Risk Roundtable post are reshaped below, including White House guidance to industry)
  • NIAC report on information sharing.
  • Executive Order 13388 (2005), which directed agencies to give highest priority to developing information systems and disseminating intelligence-related information to fellow agencies, State and local governments, and private-sector entities.

To the maximum extent consistent with applicable law, agencies shall, in the design and use of information systems and in the dissemination of information among agencies: (a) give the highest priority to (i) the detection, prevention, disruption, preemption, and mitigation of the effects of terrorist activities against the territory, people, and interests of the United States of America; (ii) the inter-change of terrorism information among agencies; (ili) the interchange of terrorism information between agencies and appropriate authorities of State, local, and tribal governments, and between agencies and appropriate private sector entities; and (iv) the protection of the ability of agencies to acquire additional such information; and (b) protect the freedom, information privacy, and other legal rights of Americans in the conduct of activities implementing sub-section.

  • We discussed some recent reports on terrorism and extremism. The following can be searched for online (links not included): MEMRI: New Issue Of Al-Qaeda In The Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) ‘Inspire’ Magazine – The First Since April 2017 – Calls Colorado Shooter Ahmad Al-Issa ‘Mujahid,’ Urges Muslims To Follow In His Path And Target ‘The American Enemy’ Inside And Outside The U.S. ABC News: ‘Perfect storm’: Bulletin warns of extremist violence as pandemic restrictions lift.
  • NTAS Bulletin, 14 May 2021

Ransomware (see this accompanying post for more on the June 2021 White House guidance on ransomware):

Additional references:

The Risk Roundtable podcast is a recurring monthly discussion among our team and occasional guests as we explore the all-hazards threats and risks impacting the United States and internationally. As we seek to help apply a threat-informed, risk-based approach to analysis, preparedness and operations, we hope these podcasts are informative and maybe even a little entertaining. Read more about Gate 15’s full podcast menu at our Podcast page. We hope you’ll subscribe, listen and share your ideas and other feedback! Reach out to us on TwitterLinkedIn or via email at: [email protected].

You can subscribe and enjoy The Gate 15 Podcasts on AnchorAppleSpotifyGoogle, as well as other locations accessible from the Anchor link. The full menu includes:

  • The Risk Roundtable, a panel discussion among our Gate 15 team;
  • The Cybersecurity Evangelist, with Jennifer Lyn Walker;
  • Nerd Out! Security Panel Discussion, moderated by Dave Pounder; and
  • The Gate 15 Interview, a monthly interview with security and risk management leaders.

We hope you’ll subscribe, listen and share your ideas and other feedback!

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