The Risk Roundtable EP 27: Don’t let bias guide your preparedness
Please enjoy this month’s episode of The Gate 15 podcast on Anchor, Spotify, Apple, Google, as well as other locations accessible via the Anchor link or almost anywhere you listen to your favorite podcasts. Andy, admitting he knows nothing, in a Slack message to a...
Russian Cybersecurity Threats: 5 Asks from the FBI
by Gate 15’s Managing Director, Andy Jabbour I had the opportunity to participate in a call this morning led by the FBI's Washington Field Office (WFO) and the following "5 Asks" were shared. It was confirmed on the call that the following is TLP:WHITE and could be...
GAO: Improve the coordination and information sharing between CISA and Information Sharing partners
On 01 March, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) published a new report, “Critical Infrastructure Protection: CISA Should Improve Priority Setting, Stakeholder Involvement, and Threat Information Sharing” (PDF). In the highlights, GAO notes, “CISA offers...
The Cybersecurity Evangelist: Ep 16 – Everybody Loves Love! PSA on Romance Scams – Why Scammers Love Love Too!
By Jennifer Lyn Walker, The Cybersecurity Evangelist Please enjoy this month’s episode of The Gate 15 podcast on Anchor, Spotify, Apple, Google, as well as other locations accessible via the Anchor link or almost anywhere you listen to your...
Serving My Community: Preserving History at the Smithsonian
By Brett Zupan One of my greatest pleasures of working at Gate 15 is that we get to dig deep into the security issues our clients face. Our company’s threat-informed, risk-based approach allows me to interact with the root causes of the concerns American leaders and...
Hostile Event Preparedness Education
The Gate 15 Team is a small team with a BIG impact. Our team delivers value to our partners and clients every day in the areas of threat and risk analysis, preparedness activities such as exercises, and operational support. In the Spring and Fall of 2022, we are...