Serving My Community: Service in Homeland Security
By Andy Jabbour In establishing Gate 15, one area I hoped to develop was the idea of service. As a veteran, I was used to the joys and satisfaction I would attain when I felt like I was contributing to something bigger than myself. Whether leading a unit, training for...
Perpetual Preparedness
By Mayya Saab National Preparedness Month is recognized each September to promote family and community disaster as well as emergency planning now and throughout the year. September was chosen as National Preparedness Month as the tragedies of September 11, 2001...
Breaking Down the Wall between Physical and Cyber Security
By Omar Tisza Are the physical and cyber security of our critical infrastructure fated to merge into a blended and complex risk management approach? In this update on threats that are neither entirely comprised of physical or cyber parts, known as blended and complex...
Complex IoT & Commercial Facilities
On 05 Mar 2019, Trend Micro posted, “Exposed IoT Automation Servers and Cybercrime,” a fascinating look at Complex IoT Environments (CIEs) and have also shared a fuller understanding of their findings in “Cybersecurity Risks in Complex IoT Environments: Threats...
Are We Getting Left of Boom in This Blended and Complex World?
By Omar Tisza As our lives continue to accrue an increasing dependence on web-enabled goods and services, many seem too willing to put security and resiliency by the wayside–and at an increasinlgy high cost. Security and resilience within our critical infrastructure...
Password Security: Three Things to Do Today
It's too late for me to be up writing this but a few posts and tweets tonight coupled with a recent realization left me feeling obligated. (Every company ever breached) takes the privacy of customer data extremely seriously Whilst reading this post by Rohan Pearce,...