The Nerd Out! Security Panel Discussion podcast episodes are recurring discussions among our team and our valued guests as we explore the all-hazards threats and risks impacting the United States and internationally. As we seek to help apply a threat-informed, risk-based approach to analysis, preparedness and operations, we hope these podcasts are informative and maybe even a little entertaining.
In this latest episode, Dave Pounder, Bridget Johnson, Travis Moran, and Jon Crosson discuss the latest security matters. Following up on the last episode, the panel discussed the cancellations of NCAA conference fall sports seasons including the increasingly popular College Football schedule. That was a smooth transition into the innovative ways that networks have covered sports and a discussion as to whether there was any type of innovation within the security community. Could organizations replicate security “fans” or “crowd noise” – is that even a thing? And the panel wraps up looking at the challenges within the healthcare sector and talked about how mental health and a future vaccine could impact security or fuel conspiracy theories (and by the way, next week’s Gate 15 Interview will focus on misinformation and disinformation, with discussion on topics from the pandemic to elections).
Have a listen on Anchor, Apple, Spotify.
- Bridget Johnson, @bridgetcj on Twitter, is the Homeland Security Today Managing Editor, (@HSTodayMag), a security consultant, private eye, Sr. Fellow/Terrorism with the @SalomonCenter, an NPR contributor and has served as a Senior Risk Analyst with Gate 15, where she still contributes. Notably, she is an L.A. woman and avid 49ers fan.
- Travis Moran is the Vice President of Operations for Welund North America, and a long-time friend to Gate 15, having contributed his perspective to various reports and analyses. A retired law enforcement officer, Travis is a drones expert with experience in security across various critical infrastructure. Email [email protected] | Website | twitter: @dronin_on
- Jon Crosson is the Director, Critical Infrastructure-Vital Services for Gate 15. He currently supports the Health-ISAC resilience and medical device security programs and other Gate 15 special projects and initiatives. He has a background as an exercise planner and project manager supporting the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, U.S. Department of Defense, and U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Jon is a veteran of the U.S. Army, where he served as a Field Artillery Officer.

During the discussion, Jon made reference to a valuable new product from the Health-ISAC (@HealthISAC on Twitter), “Information Sharing Best Practices,” which is described as “a workable whitepaper designed for healthcare organizations to download and adjust
into their individual environments… developed in partnership between the Health-ISAC and the Healthcare and Public Health Sector Coordinating Council (HSCC).” Check it out to see more on Types of Shared Threat Intelligence; Industry Best Practices; Incident Response Sharing; and, Shared Media Response.
You can subscribe and enjoy all the Gate 15 Podcasts on Anchor, Apple, Spotify, as well as other locations accessible from the Anchor link. Week-to-week, you can hear and learn more about our all-hazards threats, risks, mitigation and other issues impacting homeland security risk management from our team as well as our regular and special guests. The full podcast menu includes:
- The Risk Roundtable, is a recurring monthly discussion among our team and occasional guests as we explore the all-hazards threats and risks impacting the United States and internationally.
- The Cybersecurity Evangelist, with Jennifer Lyn Walker, is a cybersecurity-focused discussion with Jen and invited guests.
- Nerd Out! Security Panel Discussion, moderated by Dave Pounder, focuses on physical security topics including terrorism, extremism, hostile events, and other pertinent topics.
- The Gate 15 Interview, is a monthly interview between Gate 15’s founder and Managing Director, Andy Jabbour and guests from throughout the homeland security risk management community addressing a wide range of all-hazards topics and issues.
We hope you’ll subscribe, listen and share your ideas and other feedback! Reach out to us on Twitter, LinkedIn or via email at: [email protected].