Nerd Out Security Panel Discussion: EP24. NYC, Sweden and More.

April 21, 2022

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There was no shortage of topics for the Nerd Out gang to get into this month as Dave, Bridget and Joe dug into recent events. Starting off with some follow ups to hurricane predictions, outdoor festivals, and Piers Morgan (is it marketing or misinformation), the team batted around some of some of the challenges with these areas and some recent publications that can help teams plan for moving forward. Then the nerds really got into some great discussions around monitoring and situational awareness around recent incidents in NYC (subway shooting) and Ohio (arrest of security guard), as well as the escalated protests around the Quran burning in Sweden and if organizations need to think about copy-cats or a revival of protests and demonstrations this coming summer. Wrapping up with an attempt to be fun, the gang just showed how big of nerds they are yet still managed to give some suggestions for light-hearted shows or materials.

Discussed on the pod:

The Nerd Out team:

  • Joe Levy is the chairman of the International Associate of Venue Managers (IAVM) Venue Safety and Security Committee. In addition, Joe is the Chief Operating Officer at the Usdan Center for the Creative & Performing Arts. IAVM website Venue Safety and Security committee contact information: [email protected]LinkedIn Profile
  • Bridget Johnson is the Managing Editor for Homeland Security Today. In addition to her contributions on Homeland Security Today, they are also running a series of webinars (Webinar signups). Twitter: @BridgetCJ 
  • Dave Pounder is a Senior Risk Analyst for Gate. Twitter: @dpounder; email: [email protected]

Have a listen to the Nerd Out! on AnchorAppleSpotifyGoogle, as well as other locations accessible via the Anchor link or almost anywhere you listen to your favorite podcasts.

You can subscribe and enjoy all the Gate 15 Podcasts on AnchorAppleSpotifyGoogle, as well as other locations accessible from the Anchor link. Week-to-week, you can hear and learn more about our all-hazards threats, risks, mitigation and other issues impacting homeland security risk management from our team as well as our regular and special guests. The full podcast menu includes:

  • The Risk Roundtable, is a recurring monthly discussion among our team and occasional guests as we explore the all-hazards threats and risks impacting the United States and internationally.
  • The Cybersecurity Evangelist, with Jennifer Lyn Walker, is a cybersecurity-focused discussion with Jen and invited guests.
  • Nerd Out! Security Panel Discussion, moderated by Dave Pounder, focuses on physical security topics including terrorism, extremism, hostile events, and other pertinent topics.
  • The Gate 15 Interview, is a monthly interview between Gate 15’s founder and Managing Director, Andy Jabbour and guests from throughout the homeland security risk management community addressing a wide range of all-hazards topics and issues.

We hope you’ll subscribe, listen and share your ideas and other feedback! Reach out to us on TwitterLinkedIn or via email at: [email protected].

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