Weekly Security Sprint EP 32. National Preparedness Month, Burning Man, Insider Threat Awareness, Ransomware and more!

Please enjoy our newest podcast, the Weekly Security Sprint, on Spotify for Podcasters, Spotify, Apple, Google, as well as other locations accessible via the…

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Analyst Group ExperienceS (AGES)

AGES is a collaborative community where analysts can develop outside of the organization they work in. Group collaboration allows participants to observe and learn from others in the group, receive valuable feedback, and benefit from social interactions with a trusted small group of peers and a group mentor, as well as a broader community of colleagues. AGES has the major goal of helping participants to develop into the most effective analysts they can be, or to better understand analysts within their organization. Through AGES, I hope to build a community of trust, respect, and expertise in which participants can further mature.

The goal of AGES is to create a safe space outside of the work environment for analysts and operators to come together with peers and share ideas, challenges, best practices, etc. with a trusted, vetted community in order to grow and develop into the most effective analyst each of us can be.

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The Cybersecurity Evangelist, Episode 2; Demystifying Cybersecurity Myths – Part 2

This month we are airing part two of the inaugural episode of The Cybersecurity Evangelist where Travis Farral and I finish demystifying cybersecurity myth #2 and #1. Listen to find out where the term “hacking” came from, and more about different types of “hackers”…including the good ones. Travis and I also give a quick nod to our inner geek. We wrap up the discussion with how we are ALL targets of opportunity, even if we don’t have an online presence. And why it is important to overcome the “it won’t happen to me mindset.” Finally, Travis leaves us with his final thought: spend a few minutes trying to educate yourself on ways you can protect your family.

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The Gate 15 Interview: Protests, Prejudice, and Perspective in Intelligence & Analysis, with Jorhena Thomas

In this inaugural Gate 15 Interview, Andy Jabbour talks with Jorhena Thomas on her recent post “Intel Community, Our Turn is Coming,” as they discuss informed, inclusive analysis as well as related thoughts on current racial tensions, protests, biases, the threat environment, and how we, as individuals and as a community, can strive towards being our best.

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The SUN also rises… (a peek into Gate 15)

I get asked a lot of questions about Gate 15, like, “what does Gate 15 mean?” (see here – Gate 15: What’s in a Name?
– for that answer). I also get a lot of questions about two other areas. One of those is about the SUN, our free daily online paper. The other is about our business model, as a for-profit vs. a non-profit. So, let me explain those briefly.

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