Terminology for $500. What Are Blended Attacks?

About a week ago, as we were coming out of the initial concerns relating to the WannaCry ransomware outbreak, I shared the following thought on LinkedIn: “WannaCry brings up a thought I often have – what is the best way to capture cyber incidents with physical...

Cyber Extortion: More Than Just Ransomware

Vocabulary.com defines extortion as “forcing someone into giving you something through threats.” Most commonly the extortioner desires money but it could be anything deemed to be as something of value. The extortioner may desire a decision made in his/her favor or the...

Ransomware: From Cyber Crime to Physical Attacks?

Recently, two Gate 15 team members – Kristi Horton, Senior Risk Analyst in Cybersecurity, and Chip Wickenden, Director of Strategic Relationships, had a conversation about ransomware and different kinds of threat actors that took some interesting turns. We...