The Cybersecurity Evangelist: EP 8 – The ISAC Series, Part 4 – Faith-Based ISAO

March 10, 2021

By Jennifer Lyn Walker, The Cybersecurity Evangelist

It was my honor to welcome Mayya Saab, Executive Director of the Faith-Based Information Sharing & Analysis as she joined me on this episode of The Cybersecurity Evangelist. Mayya and I talk about the Faith-Based ISAO – “FB” ISAO, not “FBI” ISAO 😉

Mayya shares how FB-ISAO tackles physical and cyber threat awareness and preparedness to help improve the security and resilience of the entire community of faith. We specifically discuss the on-going virtual Hostile Events Preparedness discussion-based workshop series that brings houses of worship, other faith-based organizations, and public sector partners together to strengthen the entire community by sharing challenges and best practices. 

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