Enduring Terror Threats: Holiday Season 2016 and Beyond

December 15, 2016

screen-shot-2016-12-15-at-2-03-50-pmInformed by our daily reporting, the Gate 15 Threat and Risk Analysis Cell (TRAC) studied the global, all-hazards threat environment this week as we developed Wednesday’s Threat Dashboard. We were sadly not surprised by the occurrence of several significant international terror attacks. We speak to that, with respect to the broader threat period we are presently in, in Thursday’s Torpedo Report, where Dave Pounder wrote, “we remind leaders that the period beginning with Thanksgiving but especially leading up to Christmas, Hanukkah and New Year’s should be treated as a period of heightened concern. With the US inauguration, that period should be considered to last through Inauguration weekend (22 Jan).”

The Torpedo continues stating, “As this period of concern continues, it is important to maintain an understanding of current events that may have impacts or influence on an organization. Several notable terrorist attacks occurred over screen-shot-2016-12-15-at-2-03-12-pmthe past weekend, with a continued focus on publicly accessible gatherings. This propensity on attacks against soft targets, combined with standard holiday season security concerns, reinforce the need to recognize the threats in and around public spaces and facilities. This is particularly critical with seasonal events such as notable religious assemblies, Christmas markets, tree-lighting ceremonies (i.e., Portland, 2010), as well as traditional mall shopping and new year celebrations, representing the enduring appeal, and vulnerabilities, associated with the “way of life” targets. Further demonstrating jihadist and other actors’ focus on such opportunities, Los Angeles mass transit was recently threatened and in the UK, six individuals were arrested with suspected intent to conduct a ‘significant’ bombing attack on a shopping center in the days ahead of Christmas. Recent attacks during this period include the Charlie Hebdo attacks (07 Jan, with a failed attack at a Paris police station on the anniversary of that event last year), last year’s French mosque attack, the 12 Jan 2016 Istanbul bombing, as well as last January’s Daesh-inspired attack on a police officer in Philadelphia. Globally, there were numerous other incidents…

“Though there may not be a known-imminent terror plot, the intent of attackers is clear and is demonstrated through continuous arrests and attacks worldwide. We assess with high confidence that Islamic terrorism threats from Daesh and al-Qaeda-inspired attackers will endure through the current threat period and throughout 2017. These attacks will continue to spread globally as Daesh is defeated in Iraq, Syria and Libya. With the challenge of successfully plotting and executing a spectacular attack (though still desired), the preponderance of attacks will continue to be mostly simple lone actor attacks using firearms and / or small explosives or low-tech terrorism such as knife or vehicle attacks. However, international incidents have employed small-group tactics and organizations and responders need to anticipate the possibility of increasingly complex, coordinated small group terrorist attacks.”

The threat of Hostile Events – workplace violence, active shooter, low-tech terror, complex coordinated attacks and other violent activities – are sadly an enduring and very real threat organizations must be ready for. Gate 15 is available to enhance or serve as your staff for preparedness activities to include our Hostile Events Preparedness Series which includes education, planning, training and exercise support. With our team of partners, this includes the availability of on-demand video training and up to complex full-scale exercises addressing workplace violence, active shooters and complex coordinated terrorist attacks. To find out more look for upcoming updates to this website or contact us at [email protected].

screen-shot-2016-12-15-at-2-04-23-pmThe complete Torpedo Report includes additional background and analysis as well as some preparedness and operational ideas for leaders to consider. This week’s reports and previous releases can be linked to from the “Reports” tab of this website.

To help leaders maintain active threat situational awareness, we distribute our (free!) daily paper and the above mentioned weekly products. Our team hopes they can help you achieve a sound background as you assess your organizational risks and then apply a threat-informed, risk-based and prioritized approach to preparedness and operations. If you’re not already signed-up, subscribe to our free products and receive them directly! Free reports include our daily paper, the Gate 15 SUN, with additional detail, focus and analysis in the weekly Threat Dashboard and Torpedo Report.

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