Exploding Sidewalks!? Be Ready for the Unexpected

If I were asked by someone in Toronto in the weeks ahead of yesterday’s international May Day demonstrations “what should I be most concerned about on May Day,” I would have rattled off some concerns about protests, vandalism, the potential for escalation, lone actors...

Ransomware: From Cyber Crime to Physical Attacks?

Recently, two Gate 15 team members – Kristi Horton, Senior Risk Analyst in Cybersecurity, and Chip Wickenden, Director of Strategic Relationships, had a conversation about ransomware and different kinds of threat actors that took some interesting turns. We...

Gate 15 Product Update

The Gate 15 Company is committed to providing the highest quality analysis, preparedness and operational support to help minimize client risks across the global, all-hazards threat environment. Regarding our free subscription products, we recognize the importance of...