Venue Security, The IAVM Podcast Series! A new monthly podcast starting in 2024.

November 9, 2023

As we move to the end of 2023, we’re grateful to have continued another year of the best security-focused podcasts available! This year we continued our two long-running series, the Nerd Out Security Panel Discussion and the Gate 15 Interview, and we introduced our weekly race through the week’s biggest security news and considerations in the Security Sprint. As we head into 2024, we’re excited to continue these favorites and to add another podcast to our monthly menu, as we introduce “Venue Security, the IAVM Podcast Series!”

Starting in January 2024, this new monthly podcast continues Gate 15’s long and close relationship with the International Association of Venue Managers (IAVM).

Venue Security, The IAVM Podcast Series is our newest podcast as Gate 15’s founder and Managing Director, Andy Jabbour hosts short interviews with venue safety and security experts from the International Association of Venue Managers’ (IAVM) Venue Safety and Security Committee (VSSC) and other special guests from the IAVM community. 

This new podcast will be available on the Gate 15 podcast channel with our other recurring podcasts wherever you enjoy your favorite pod and will be published on the second Monday of each month. Subscribe! Listen! Share!

IAVM. Representing public assembly venues from around the globe, IAVM’s active members include managers and senior executives from auditorium, arenas, convention centers, exhibit halls, stadiums, performing arts centers, university complexes, and amphitheaters.

Member venues represent huge expenditures of public and private funds. They attract millions of patrons to an astonishing variety of events from football to basketball, baseball to hockey, from rock concerts to conventions, conferences to ballets…the list is almost endless.

IAVM counts more than 500 Allied companies among its members. These companies provide products and services used by managers. Through their IAVM membership, Allied members are able to present their products to this vast market. Read the IAVM Mission and Vision here.

Gate 15’s relationship with IAVM predates Gate 15! Several Gate 15 staff worked closely with what was then IAAM since the early days of DHS and the idea of private-public partnership. In the ensuing years, Gate 15 has continued to work closely with IAVM and the venue community as an Allied Member and with support to IAVM’s Academy for Venue Safety and Security and Venue Safety and Security Committee.

Learn more about Gate 15’s podcasts here and learn more and join IAVM here!

We hope that you’ll continue to listen and that you’ll enjoy this new Gate 15 and IAVM podcast!

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