Webinar Recording: Getting Started Now: Pandemic Preparedness After-Action Reports

On Thursday, 16 April 2020, Gate 15 conducted a webinar discussion, “Getting Started Now: Pandemic Preparedness After-Action Reports (AAR)”.

The webinar expounded on our 26 March post, “Pandemic Preparedness: Start Your After-Action Report & Improvement Planning (NOW)” and included Casey Ateah, Gate 15’s Director of Preparedness, David Pounder, our Director of Threat and Risk Analysis, and Andy Jabbour, our Managing Director.

In the spirit of contributing to our homeland security mission and our nation’s security, preparedness and resilience, the entire webinar can be downloaded below.

Hear our team discuss why often, many organizations don’t do a great job of completing a deliberate after-action review process or developing effective after-action reports (AARs) after incidents, from small-scale events to significant threats, such as the current COVID-19 pandemic. The webinar covers topics such as how to get started on an AAR process by identifying the needed resources and getting those resources to conduct the necessary analysis in order to draft an After-Action Report and Improvement Plan. Andy also shares some thoughts on the importance of preparedness and imagination when working towards personal, organizational and national resilience.

“If we wait for a pandemic to appear, it will be too late to prepare.”

Former President George W. Bush, 2005

About Gate 15. Gate 15 was established in 2011 as a Virginia corporation with a designation of Small, Woman, and Minority Owned (SWaM) business. Gate 15 sets out support our clients’ and partners’ risk management and organizational security and resilience activities by providing expertise in threat analysis, operations and preparedness (planning, training, exercise and continuity) support. Our team maintains extensive relationships across the private and public sector critical infrastructure, homeland security and intelligence communities, and brings unique experience working with Information Sharing and Analysis Centers (ISACs) and Organizations (ISAOs). Also, unique to Gate 15 is our ability to ensure that any activities we support benefit from our company’s active threat monitoring across the global, all-hazards environment, the open source results of which we publish in a free daily Situational Update Notification (SUN). Learn more about Gate 15’s SUN. And learn more about Gate 15 here and read why our partners and clients like working with us!

Throughout each year, Gate 15 hosts multiple free events designed to educate the community on preparedness. Among those events is our Hostile Event Preparedness Series (HEPS) Training. HEPS is intended to give organizations a complete preparedness solution to addressing the threat of a hostile event.

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